ChillOut Motorsports Cypher Cooler Lightweight Inverter

Chillout Mototsports


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The ChillOut Motorsports Cypher Cooler Lightweight Inverter is crafted for teams aiming to trim down their vehicle's weight without compromising on efficiency. Its design is specifically tailored to replace the standard power inverter provided with both the Cypher and Cypher Pro coolers, offering a significant weight reduction of 1.1lb (0.5kg) alongside enhanced flexibility in power connectivity.Delve into the pivotal features of this inverter:Weight Reduction: Using lightweight materials and a caseless design, the inverter reduces vehicle weight by 1.1lb (0.5kg), improving performance and agility.Flexible Power Connectivity: Its un-terminated 12v wiring allows for customisable connections, ensuring easy integration with any vehicle's power system.Compact Design: The inverter's compact size aids in space conservation and easy installation, supporting overall vehicle performance enhancement.The ChillOut Motorsports Cypher Cooler Lightweight Inverter directly addresses the need for weight efficiency and flexibility in power connectivity in competitive vehicles. By trimming 1.1lb (0.5kg) off the vehicle's weight and allowing for tailored power connections, it supports enhanced vehicle performance without unnecessary complexity.