La Prairie - White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire (20ml)

La Prairie


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<div data-content-type="html" data-appearance="default" data-element="main">The formula of White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire, enriched with both Golden Caviar Extract and the powerful illuminating molecule Lumidose, helps to firm the look of the skin around the eye for increased light-reflection while also diminishing the appearance of grey, brown, red, violet and yellow chromatic disturbances. A rich cream that nourishes and comforts with deep moisture, White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire goes beyond mere brightening to reveal the extraordinary beauty of the eye. To use: Press the depression on the top of the jar with the index finger, then sweep the formula with the tip of the ring finger. Apply around the eye zone with a press and roll gesture, starting under the eye at the inner corner and moving towards the temple. Next, use the ceramic pearl. Start under the eye at the inner corner. Roll the cooling ceramic pearl around the eye area for a de-puffing massage.</div>